Five Continental Class Students Pass the Selection Test


In May, five students from HFU Continental Class, Grade 2019, passed the selection test for the one-year study in Emden/Lille University of Applied Sciences (Germany)since this fall semester.

Influenced by the COVID-19, the selection test was held online in mid-May, including written and oral examinations, organized by HFU Sino-German Talent Exchange Center, with Professor Lundgren and Professor Schmidt from Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences and Mr. Kautz, Director of Hannover Stoecken Training Center of Continental AG, as the examiners.

These five students can not only study in Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences, but also will get the chance to have an internship in Hannover Stoecken Training Center of Continental AG in their summer and winter vacation. The positive learning atmosphere and the international exchange experience there will inevitably broaden their horizons and improve their professional skills.

Continental Class, co-built by Hefei University, Continental AG and Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences since 2016, is a new dual-system attempt of Sino-German higher education to deepen Chinese applied higher education development and innovation, which is in line with the talent cultivation for social and economic development in the view of international university-enterprise cooperation.