Delegation of Hanns Seidel Stiftung Visit HFU


On the morning of July 7, the delegation led by Mr. Georg Stadler, Chief Representative of Shanghai Office of Hanns Seidel Foundation (Hanns Seidel Stiftung), visit Hefei UniversityHFU).

Wang Qidong, Chair of HFU Council, extends a warm welcome to the delegation and introduces HFUs development in recent years. He expects that the visit of the delegation can deepen mutual exchange and help to build a platform for German universities and HFU in students training, teachers exchange, and school-enterprise cooperation.

Wu Chunmei, HFU President, extends her hope for HFUs cooperation with the Foundation on teachers training, “dual-system” collaborative talents training, and joint construction of Sino-German cooperation projects.

Chen Xiu, Chair of Anhui Sino-German Educational Cooperation Foundation and Vice President of HFU, introduces to the guests the Sino-German Education Cooperation Demonstration Base and Anhui Sino-German Education Cooperation Foundation.

Georg Stadler says that Hanns Seidel Foundation signed a cooperation agreement with the Anhui Provincial Department of Education on July 6. Their visit to HFU is the first step for the Foundation to enhance its cooperation with Anhui province. He hopes that the Foundation can make contribution to the cooperation between  universities in Bavaria, Germany and HFU.

Afterwards, the two parties conduct in-depth discussions on such topics as joint training of students, teachers training, and cooperation with German universities.