HFU Awarded“Anhui Green School”


In mid-March, HFU got the honor to be Anhui Green School awarded by the Education Department of Anhui Province.

HFU has always carried out the in-depth implementation of ecological civilization concept put forward by Xi Jinping, through building green and low-carbon campus, and improving campus landscape  planting, daily management and maintenance to beautify the campus environment. Green design and green construction have been advocated, with new technology adopted as well as energy-saving materials and products.

In recent years, HFUs energy saving practices have witnessed its one-star or above green buildings of 107,000 square metres, including 74,000 square metres of two-star buildings; its projects of Comprehensive Lab Building, Training Centre for Design and Innovation Industries and Training Platform for Architecture and Traffic Engineering evaluated as green building demonstration projects in Anhui Province; 800KW Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) system ; bathrooms in students’ dorms with air-powered or air-assisted solar hot water.