Governor Stephan Weil Leads Lower Saxony Delegation to HFU


On the afternoon of May 29th, Mr. Stefan Weil, Governor of Lower Saxony, Germany, and his delegation visited Hefei University (HFU), accompanied by Wang Qingxian, Governor of Anhui Province. Wang Qidong, Chair of HFU Council, welcomed them in front of the Sino-German Friendship Grove and presented Weil with a commemorative gift for the 30th anniversary of the sister state /province relationship.

Weil met with students and teachers from HFUs Sino-German Logistics Management Program, Continental Class, Volkswagen College, talking about the industry-education integration, construction of modern industrial colleges, and the “dual system” education model. Weil praised HFUs efforts in promoting cultural exchanges between China and Germany. During the visit, Weil also attended the opening ceremony of the 17th Sino-German Symposium on Application-oriented Higher Education.

Ten years ago, Weil visited HFU and planted a cedar tree symbolizing friendship with faculty and students. Today, this “China-Germany Friendship Tree” stands tall and majestic as a scenic attraction on the campus.

Anhui Province and Lower Saxony have a long-standing friendship, actively collaborating in the fields of economy, science, and culture. HFU serves as a demonstration base for Sino-German education cooperation, maintaining partnerships with 73 German universities to promote international education, cultural and talent exchange, and economic cooperation. The year of 2024 witnesses the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relation between Lower Saxony and Anhui Province, which also symbolizes 40-year practical cooperation between HFU and German universities.