President of the Hallym University Visits HFU


    On June 3rd,  delegation of Hallym University(South Korea) led by its president Mr. Jin Zhongxiu,visit HFU.

    HFU President Mr.Wang Qidong welcomes the visit of the delegation, and introduces HFU from aspects of school orientationlocal, applied and internationalized,  international cooperationand reforms on the  applied talenttraining mode. He reflects that HFU attaches great importance to cooperation with Korean colleges and universities, and after years of cooperation with Hallym University,  a profound friendshiphas already been established.

    Mr. Jin Zhongxiu expresses his gratitude to the enthusiastic reception of HFU. He says that under the efforts of thestaff, Hallym University provides a more suitable living environment and a broader communication platform for HFU students, so that they can find a better sense of belonging in South Korea. At the same time, he fully affirms the characteristics and teaching quality of HFU, and positively comments on HFUs international cooperation, who also hopes to further mutualexchanges and cooperation.