Ms. Xiang Wan from HFU Wins Red Dot Design Award (Germany)


Ms. Xiang Wan, a teacher from the Department of Art & Design, has won the Red Dot Design Award (Brand Recognition Award).

 The Red Dot competition this year has received 8,610 designs from 45 countries. Ms. Xiangs work, Brand Vision-system Design for Qianlingshan Zoo, is completed after modifications during over 8 months time. When formally put into the market, it is well accepted by Guiyang Eco Committee, the Zoo and the public.

Known as the designing Oscar Award, the Red Dot Award originates in Germany as one of the most influential ones in the designing circle together with IF Award (Germany) and IDEA Award (the USA). In 2013, Wang Hongli, a HFUstudent in the Department of Art & Design (Grade 2009) won the Red Dot Concept Award with her design “Easy Find”.