




英文名:“3rd International Conference on Asian-European Environmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer / 1st International Symposium on Environmental Engineering” (3rd ICET &1st  ISEE))



合肥学院、安徽省科学技术协会、安徽省环境科学学会、德国罗斯托克大学、哥廷根应用科学大学等分别于20065月和20086月在中国安徽省合肥市成功举办了第一届和第二届“亚欧环境技术与知识转化国际会议” (英文名:“International Conference on Asian-European Environmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer)。大会邀请过世界知名学者奥地利里奥本矿山大学Karl E.Lorber教授、德国慕尼黑工业大学再生资源功能研究中心主任Martin Faulstich教授、德国罗斯托克大学Michael Nelles 教授、德国德累斯顿工业大学的Bernd Bilitewski教授,以及欧盟驻北京办事处、GTZ驻北京办事处和来自德国、奥地利的相关企业和专家,来自亚洲的韩国、泰国、越南,以及国内中国科技大学、南京大学、同济大学和中国矿业大学等高校的著名学者教授都做了主题发言,获得了很好的学术影响。两次会议都收编了论文集,其中第二届会议论文集的全部论文收录于CPCIISTP)。

在总结前两届会议的经验基础上,经过协商决定由合肥学院、安徽省科学技术协会、安徽省省环境科学学会、德国罗斯托克大学、德国哥廷根应用科学大学、美国北卡罗来纳州立大学联合举办“第三届亚欧环境技术及知识转化国际会议暨第一届国际环境工程研讨会” (英文名:“3rd International Conference on Asian-European Environmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer / 1st International Symposium on Environmental Engineering” (3rd ICET &1st  ISEE))。本次会议定于2010513-14日在中国安徽省合肥市举行。会议将秉承先前的会议宗旨,继续为国际环境技术及知识转化提供发展平台,同时进一步扩展环境技术在工程领域的应用,将为广大专家、学者和企业提供更为广泛的交流机会。















联系人:吴克教授      +86-(0)551-2158448

俞志敏副教授  +86-(0)551-21584552158150

传真: +86-(0)551-3635609

E-mail:  cetk@yahoo.cn(咨询)、icet_isee@yahoo.cn(论文呈交) 









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1  专著、书籍

【格式】序号  责任者. 书名. 其他责任者(如编者、译者,供选择). 版本(第1版不写). 出版地: 出版者, 出版年. 页码

[1]        Bird R B, Stewart W E, Lightfoot E N. Transport Phenomena. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1960. 75

[2]        Burton J J, Garten R L. New Catalytic Materials. Lin Xiping, tran. Beijing: Petroleum Industry Press, 1984. 45(in Chinese)

2  期刊论文

【格式】序号  析出责任者. 析出题名. 刊名, 出版年, 卷号(期号): 起止页码

[1]        Henry R C, Lewis C W, Collins J F. Vehicle-related hydrocarbon source compositions from ambient data: the GRACE/SAFER method. Eniron Sci Technol, 1994, 28(5): 823~832

[2]        Liu Xiaoli, Li Hongzhi. An experimental investigation of deflagration to detonation transition (DDT) in aluminum dust-air mixture. Explosion and Shock Waves, 1996, 15(3): 217~228(in Chinese)

3  会议论文

【格式】序号  析出责任者. 析出题名. In: 文集编者(后加ededs. 文集名. (供选项: 会议名, 会址, 开会年.)出版地: 出版者, 出版年. 起止页码

[1]        Ma Tingxi, Lu Xueshu. Computer aided analysis of the penetration of mounted tillage implement. In: Zhang Wei, Guo Peiyu, Zhang Senwen, eds. Agricultural Engineering and Rural Development: Vol I. Beijing: International Academic Publishers, 1992. 157~160(in Chinese)

[2]        Lauchi A. Cacium, salinity and the plasma membrane. In: Leonard R T, Hepler R K, eds. Plant Growth and Development. The American Society of Plant Physiologies Symposium Series. Rokville MD, 1990. 26~35

4  学位论文

【格式】序号  责任者. 题名. 硕士或博士论文. 学位授予地: 学位授予单位, 年份

[1]        Young L C. The Application of Orthogonal Collocation to Laminar Flow Heat and Mass Transfer in Monolith Converters. Ms D Thesis. Washington: University of Washington, 1974

[2]        Wang Yajun. Study on Monolithic Catalyst and Catalytic Converter. Ph D Thesis. Beijing: Beijing Institute of Technology, 2000(in Chinese)

5  专利

【格式】序号  专利申请者. 专利题名. 专利国别(或地区). 专利号. 出版日期

[1]        Larsen C E, Trip R, Johnson C R. Methods for Procedures Related to the Electrophysiology of the heart. US Patent 5 529 067. 1995-01-25

[2]        Zhang F M, Shu X T, Shi Z C, Wang W D, Qin F M, Wang X Q. A Pentasil-type Molecular Sieve Containing Composition and Its Preparation Method. CN 1211469A, 1998(in Chinese)

6  报纸

【格式】序号  责任者. 题目. 报纸名. 出版日期(版次)

[1]        Xie Xide. Creating new way to study. People’s Daily, 1998-12-25(10)(in Chinese)

[2]        Specter R B. CFCs may be destroyed by natural process. Washington Post, 1989-08-07(Sect A: 2)

7  科技报告

【格式】序号  责任者. 报告题目. 报告号. 出版地: 出版者, 出版年

[1]        Gough P S. Theoretical Modeling of the Interior Ballistics of the Electrothermal Gun. AD-A268583, 1993

[2]        Chescheir G M, Westerman P W. Rapid Methods for Determining Fertilizer Value of Livestock Manures. ASAE paper No.84-4082. Michigan: American Society of Agricultural Engineering, 1984

8  标准

【格式】序号  责任者. 标准名. 标准编号. 出版年

[1]        APHE. Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater. American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, 1985

[2]        State Environmental Protection Administration of China. Standard of Environmental Noise of Urban Area. GB 309693, 1993(in Chinese)

7  电子文献

【格式】序号  责任者. 文献题名. 出处或可获得地址, 发表或更新日期/引用日期

[1]        Ministry of Water Resources of the People’s Republic of China. China Water Resources Bulletin: 2001. www.chinawater.net.cn, 2002

[2]        Chaplin M. Guar gum. www.sbu.ac.uk/water/hygua.html, 2003









“3rd International Conference on Asian-European Environmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer / 1st International Symposium on Environmental Engineering” (3rd ICET &1st  ISEE)

First Announcement and Call for papers


The “International Conference on Asian-European Environmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer” (ICET) has been successfully held for two sessions in May 2006 and June 2008 at Hefei UniversityHefei, Anhui, P. R. China. The conference included several keynote lectures presented by well-known scholars such as Prof. Karl E. Lorber from Montan University of Leoben, Prof. Martin Faulstich, Dean of Research Centre for Recycling Resource at Technical University of Munich, Prof. Michael Nelles from Rostock University, Prof. Bernd Bilitewski from Technical University of Deresden. Many other scientists, researchers and engineers from enterprises and institutions in Austria, Germany, South Korea, Thailand and Vitnam presented their work in the conference. Chinese scholars from University of Science and Technology of China, Nanjing University,  Tongji University and other institutions also gave research presentations in the conferences. ICET has made a great influence in the fields of environmental technology and knowledge transfer between Asia and Europe. The conference proceedings have been published and the proceedings for the 2nd ICET in 2008 was indexed by CPCI (ISTP).


Based on the experience of the two successful conferences in 2006 and 2008, we would like to continue the conference and expand the coverage. The “3rd International Conference on Asian-European Environmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer / 1st International Symposium on Environmental Engineering”(3rd ICET & 1st ISEE) will be held on May 13th and 14th, 2010, in Hefei, Anhui, P. R. China. The conference will be jointly organized by Anhui Association for Science and Technology, Anhui Environment Science and Technology Society, Hefei University, Rostock university, HAWK Hildesheim/ Holzminden/ Goettingen and North Carolina State University.


Major topics


l        Environmental management in EU, USA and Asia

l        Solid waste management and treatment

l        Water resource management and wastewater treatment

l        Research on renewable energy

l        International cooperation on the strategy and potential of environmental protection

l        Environmental policy and education 

l        Emerging environmental issues


Professionals with strong interests in environmental protection, including administrators, educators, researchers, scientists and engineers from government agencies, institutions and enterprises are encouraged to participate in the conference. All presented papers will be published in conference proceedings which will be indexed by CPCI or EI. All papers should be written in English and submitted electronically to the Email Box of the organizing committee at icet_isee@yahoo.cn, no later than February 15th, 2010.


Information & Contacts


Professor Wu Ke               Tel:  +86-(0)551-2158448

Associate Professor Yu Zhimin    Tel:  +86-(0)551-2158453, 2158150

Fax: +86-(0)551-3635609

Email: cetk@yahoo.cn





China-Germany Transfer Centre for Environmental Technology and knowledge (CETK)

The Engineering Technology Research Center for Municipal Solid Waste and Resource Application of Anhui Province

Hefei University

373 Huangshang Road

Hefei, 230022

P. R. China